CLIPS provides three basic elements for writing programs: primitive data
types, functions for manipulating data, and constructs for adding to a
knowledge base.
2.3.1 Data Types
CLIPS provides eight primitive data types for representing information.
These types are float, integer, symbol, string,
external-address, fact-address, instance-name and
instance-address. Numeric information can be represented using
floats and integers. Symbolic information can be represented using
symbols and strings.
A number; consists only of digits (0-9), a decimal point
(.), a sign (+ or -), and, optionally, an (e) for exponential notation
with its corresponding sign. A number is either stored as a float; or an
integer. Any number consisting of an optional sign followed by only
digits is stored as an integer (represented internally by CLIPS as a
C long integer). All other numbers are stored as floats (represented
internally by CLIPS as a C double-precision float). The number of
significant digits will de?pend on the machine implementation. Roundoff
errors also may occur, again depend?ing on the machine implementation.
As with any computer language, care should be taken when comparing
floating-point values to each other or comparing integers to
floating-point values. Some examples of integers are
Some examples of floats are
237e3 15.09 +12.0 -32.3e-7
Specifically, integers use the following format:
<integer> ::= [+ \| -] <digit>+
<digit> ::= 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9
Floating point numbers use the following format:
<float> ::= <integer> <exponent> \|
<integer> . [<exponent>] \|
. <unsigned integer> [<exponent>] \|
<integer> . <unsigned integer> [<exponent>]
<unsigned-integer> ::= <digit>+
<exponent> ::= e \| E <integer>
A sequence of characters which does not exactly follow the format of a
number is treated as a symbol (see the next paragraph).
A symbol in CLIPS is any sequence of characters that starts with any
printable ASCII character and is followed by zero or more printable
ASCII characters. When a delimiter is found, the symbol is ended. The
following characters act as delimiters: any non-printable ASCII
character (including spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds), a
double quote, opening and closing parentheses ?(? and ?)?, an ampersand
?&?, a vertical bar ?|?, a less than ?<?, and a tilde ?~?. A semicolon
?;? starts a CLIPS comment (see section 2.3.3) and also acts as a
de?limiter. Delimiters may not be included in symbols with the exception
of the ?<? character which may be the first character in a symbol. In
addition, a symbol may not begin with either the ??? character or the
?$?? sequence of characters (although a symbol may contain these
characters). These characters are reserved for variables (which are
discussed later in this section). CLIPS is case sensitive (i.e.
uppercase letters will match only uppercase let?ters). Note that numbers
are a special case of symbols (i.e. they satisfy the definition of a
symbol, but they are treated as a different data type). Some simple
examples of symbols are
foo Hello B76-HI bad_value
127A 456-93-039 @+=-% 2each
A string is a set of characters that starts with a double quote (“)
and is followed by zero or more printable characters. A string ends with
double quotes. Double quotes may be embedded within a string by placing
a backslash () in front of the character. A backslash may be embedded
by placing two consecutive back?slash characters in the string. Some
examples are
"foo" "a and b" "1 number" "a\"quote"
Note that the string ?abcd” is not the same as the symbol abcd. They
both contain the same characters, but are of different types. The same
holds true for the instance name [abcd].
An external-address is the address of an external data structure
returned by a function (written in a language such as C or Ada) that has
been integrated with CLIPS. This data type can only be created by
calling a function (i.e. it is not possible to specify an
external-address by typing the value). In the basic version of CLIPS
(which has no user defined external functions), it is not possible to
create this data type. External-addresses are discussed in further
detail in the Advanced Programming Guide;. Within CLIPS, the printed
representation of an external-address is
where XXXXXX is the external-address.
A fact is a list of atomic values that are either referenced
positionally (ordered facts) or by name (non-ordered or template facts).
Facts are referred to by index or address; section 2.4.1 gives more
details. The printed format of a fact-address is:
where XXX is the fact-index.
An instance is an object that is an instantiation or specific
example of a class. Objects in CLIPS are defined to be floats,
integers, symbols, strings, multifield values, external-addresses,
fact-addresses or instances of a user-defined class. A user-defined
class is created using the defclass construct. An instance of a
user-defined class is created with the make-instance function, and
such an instance can be referred to uniquely by address. Within the
scope of a module (see section 10.5.1), an instance can also be uniquely
referred to by name. All of these definitions will be covered in more
detail in Sections 2.4.2,, 2.6 and 9. An instance-name is
formed by enclosing a symbol within left and right brackets. Thus, pure
symbols may not be surrounded by brackets. If the CLIPS Object Oriented
Language (COOL) is not included in a particular CLIPS configuration,
then brackets may be wrapped around symbols. Some examples of
instance-names are:
[pump-1] [foo] [+++] [123-890]
Note that the brackets are not part of the name of the instance; they
merely indicate that the enclosed symbol is an instance-name. An
instance-address can only be obtained by binding the return value of
a function called instance-address or by binding a variable to an
instance matching an object pattern on the LHS of a rule (i.e., it is
not possible to specify an instance-address by typing the value). A
reference to an instance of a user-defined class can either be by name
or address; instance-addresses should only be used when speed is
critical. Within CLIPS, the printed representation of an
instance-address is
where XXX is the name of the instance.
In CLIPS, a placeholder that has a value (one of the primitive data
types) is referred to as a field. The primitive data types are
referred to as single-field values. A constant is a non-varying
single field value directly expressed as a series of characters (which
means that external-addresses, fact-addresses and instance-addresses
cannot be expressed as constants because they can only be obtained
through function calls and variable bindings). A multifield value is
a sequence of zero or more single field values. When displayed by CLIPS,
multifield values are enclosed in parentheses. Collectively, single and
multifield values are referred to as values. Some examples of
multifield values are
(a) (1 bar foo) () (x 3.0 "red" 567)
Note that the multifield value (a) is not the same as the single field
value a. Multifield values are created either by calling functions
which return multifield values, by using wildcard arguments in a
deffunction, object message-handler, or method, or by binding variables
during the pattern-matching process for rules. In CLIPS, a variable
is a symbolic location that is used to store values. Variables are used
by many of the CLIPS constructs (such as defrule, deffunction,
defmethod, and defmessage-handler) and their usage is explained in the
sections describing each of these constructs.
2.3.2 Functions
A function in CLIPS is a piece of executable code identified by a
specific name which returns a useful value or performs a useful side
effect (such as displaying information). Throughout the CLIPS
documentation, the word function is generally used to refer only to
functions which return a value (whereas commands and actions are used to
refer to functions which have a side effect but generally do not return
a value).
There are several types of functions. User defined functions and
system defined functions are pieces of code that have been written
in an external language (such as C, FORTRAN, or Ada) and linked with the
CLIPS environment. System defined functions are those functions that
have been defined internally by the CLIPS environment. User defined
functions are functions that have been defined externally of the CLIPS
environment. A complete list of system defined functions can be found in
appendix H.
The deffunction construct allows users to define new functions
directly in the CLIPS environment using CLIPS syntax. Functions defined
in this manner appear and act like other functions, however, instead of
being directly executed (as code written in an external language would
be) they are interpreted by the CLIPS environment. Deffunctions are also
discussed in section in the context of procedural knowledge
Generic functions can be defined using the defgeneric and
defmethod constructs. Generic functions allow different pieces of
code to be executed depending upon the arguments passed to the generic
function. Thus, a single function name can be overloaded with more
than one piece of code. Generic functions are also discussed in section in the context of procedural knowledge representation.
Function calls in CLIPS use a prefix notation ? the arguments to a
function always appear after the function name. Function calls begin
with a left parenthesis, followed by the name of the function, then the
arguments to the function follow (each argument separated by one or more
spaces). Arguments to a function can be primitive data types, variables,
or another function call. The function call is then closed with a right
parenthesis. Some examples of function calls using the addition (+) and
multiplication (*) functions are shown following.
(+ 3 4 5)
(\* 5 6.0 2)
(+ 3 (\* 8 9) 4)
(\* 8 (+ 3 (\* 2 3 4) 9) (\* 3 4))
While a function refers to a piece of executable code identified by a
specific name, an expression refers to a function which has its
arguments specified (which may or may not be functions calls as well).
Thus the previous examples are expressions which make calls to the *
and + functions.
2.3.3 Constructs
Several defining constructs appear in CLIPS: defmodule,
defrule, deffacts, deftemplate, defglobal,
deffunction, defclass, definstances, defmessage-handler,
defgeneric, and defmethod. All constructs in CLIPS are
surrounded by parentheses. The construct opens with a left parenthe?sis
and closes with a right parenthesis. Defining a construct differs from
calling a function primarily in effect. Typically a function call leaves
the CLIPS environment unchanged (with some notable exceptions such as
resetting or clearing the environment or opening a file). Defining a
construct, however, is explicitly intended to alter the CLIPS
environment by adding to the CLIPS knowledge base. Unlike function
calls, constructs never have a return value.
As with any programming language, it is highly beneficial to comment
CLIPS code. All constructs (with the exception of defglobal) allow a
comment directly following the construct name. Comments also can be
placed within CLIPS code by using a semicolon (;). Everything from the
semicolon until the next return character will be ignored by CLIPS. If
the semicolon is the first character in the line, the entire line will
be treated as a comment. Examples of commented code will be pro?vided
throughout the reference manual. Semicolon commented text is not saved
by CLIPS when loading constructs (however, the optional comment string
within a construct is saved).