Section 2: CLIPS Overview

This section gives a general overview of CLIPS and of the basic concepts used through?out this manual.

2.1 Interacting with CLIPS

CLIPS expert systems may be executed in three ways: interactively using a simple, text-oriented, command prompt interface; interactively using a window/menu/mouse interface on certain ma?chines; or as embedded expert systems in which the user provides a main pro?gram and controls execution of the expert system. Embedded applications are dis?cussed in the Advanced Programming Guide. In addition, a series of commands can be automatically read di?rectly from a file when CLIPS is first started or as the result of the batch command.

The generic CLIPS interface is a simple, interactive, text-oriented, command prompt interface for high porta?bility. The stan?dard usage is to create or edit a knowledge base using any standard text editor, save the knowledge base as one or more text files, exit the editor and execute CLIPS, then load the knowledge base into CLIPS. The in?terface provides commands for viewing the current state of the sys?tem, tracing execu?tion, adding or removing information, and clearing CLIPS.

A more sophisticated window interface is available for the Macintosh, Windows 3.1, and X Window environments. All interface commands described in this section are available in the window interfaces. These interfaces are described in more detail in the Interfaces Guide.

2.1.1 Top Level Commands

The primary method for interacting with CLIPS in a non-embedded environment is through the CLIPS command prompt (or top level). When the ?CLIPS>? prompt is printed, a command may be entered for evaluation. Commands may be function calls, constructs, local or global variables, or constants. If a function call is entered (see section 2.3.2), that function is evaluated and its return value is printed. Function calls in CLIPS use a prefix notation?the operands to a function always appear after the function name. Entering a construct definition (see section 2.3.3) at the CLIPS prompt creates a new construct of the appropriate type. Entering a global variable (see section 2.4.3) causes the value of the global variable to be printed. Local variables can be set at the command prompt using the bind function and retain their value until a reset or clear command is issued. Entering a local variable at the command prompt causes the value of the local variable to be printed. Entering a constant (see section 2.3.1) at the top level causes the constant to be printed (which is not very useful). For example,

CLIPS (V6.30 3/11/15)

CLIPS> (+ 3 4)


CLIPS> (defglobal ?*x\* = 3)

CLIPS> ?*x\*


CLIPS> red


CLIPS> (bind ?a 5)


CLIPS> (+ ?a 3)


CLIPS> (reset)


[EVALUATN1] Variable a is unbound



The previous example first called the addition function adding the numbers 3 and 4 to yield the result 7. A global variable ?*x* was then defined and given the value 3. The variable ?*x* was then entered at the prompt and its value of 3 was returned. Finally the constant symbol red was entered and was returned (since a constant evaluates to itself).

2.1.2 Automated Command Entry and Loading

Some operating systems allow additional arguments to be specified to a program when it begins execution. When the CLIPS executable is started under such an operating system, CLIPS can be made to automatically execute a series of commands read directly from a file or to load constructs from a file. The command-line syntax for starting CLIPS and automatically reading commands or loading constructs from a file is as follows:


clips <option>*

<option> ::= -f <filename> |

-f2 <filename> |

-l <filename>

For the -f option, <filename> is a file that contains CLIPS commands. If the exit command is included in the file, CLIPS will halt and the user is returned to the operat?ing system after executing the commands in the file. If an exit command is not in the file, CLIPS will enter in its interactive state after executing the commands in the file. Commands in the file should be entered exactly as they would be interactively (i.e. opening and closing parentheses must be included and a carriage return must be at the end of the command). The -f command line option is equivalent to interactively entering a batch command as the first command to the CLIPS prompt.

The -f2 option is similar to the -f option, but is equivalent to interactively entering a batch* command. The commands stored in <filename> are immediately executed, but the commands and their return values are not displayed as they would be for a batch command.

For the -l option, <filename> should be a file containing CLIPS constructs. This file will be loaded into the environment. The -l command line option is equivalent to interactively entering a load command.

Files specified using the ?f option are not processed until the command prompt appears, so these files will always be processed after files specified using the ?f2 and ?l options.

2.1.3 Integration with Other Programming Languages

When using an expert system, two kinds of integration are important: embedding CLIPS in other systems, and calling external functions from CLIPS. CLIPS was designed to allow both kinds of integration.

Using CLIPS as an embedded application allows the easy integration of CLIPS with existing systems. This is useful in cases where the expert system is a small part of a larger task or needs to share data with other functions. In these situations, CLIPS can be called as a subroutine and information may be passed to and from CLIPS. Em?bedded applications are discussed in the Advanced Programming Guide.

It also may be useful to call external functions while executing a CLIPS construct or from the top-level of the interactive interface. CLIPS variables or literal values may be passed to an external function, and functions may return val?ues to CLIPS. The easy addition of external functions allows CLIPS to be extended or customized in almost any way. The Advanced Programming Guide describes how to integrate CLIPS with functions or systems written in C as well as in other lan?guages.

2.2 Reference Manual Syntax

The terminology used throughout this manual to describe the CLIPS syntax is fairly com?mon to computer reference manuals. Plain words or characters, particularly paren?theses, are to be typed exactly as they appear. Bolded words or characters, however, represent a verbal description of what is to be entered. Sequences of words enclosed in single-angle brackets (called terms or non-terminal symbols), such as <string>, represent a single entity of the named class of items to be supplied by the user. A non-terminal symbol followed by a *, represents zero or more entities of the named class of items which must be supplied by the user. A non-terminal symbol followed by a +, represents one or more entities of the named class of items which must be supplied by the user. A * or + by itself is to be typed as it appears. Vertical and horizontal ellipsis (three dots arranged respectively vertically and horizontally) are also used between non-terminal symbols to indicate the occurrence of one or more entities. A term enclosed within square brackets, such as [<comment>], is optional (i.e. it may or may not be included). Vertical bars indicate a choice between multiple terms. White spaces (tabs, spaces, carriage re?turns) are used by CLIPS only as delimiters between terms and are ignored otherwise (unless inside double quotes). The ::= symbol is used to indicate how a non-terminal symbol can be replaced. For example, the following syntax description indicates that a <lexeme> can be replaced with either a <symbol> or a <string>.

<lexeme> ::= <symbol> | <string>

A complete BNF listing for CLIPS constructs along with some commonly used replacements for non-terminal symbols are listed in appendix G.

2.3 Basic Programming Elements

CLIPS provides three basic elements for writing programs: primitive data types, functions for manipulating data, and constructs for adding to a knowledge base.

2.3.1 Data Types

CLIPS provides eight primitive data types for representing information. These types are float, integer, symbol, string, external-address, fact-address, instance-name and instance-address. Numeric information can be represented using floats and integers. Symbolic information can be represented using symbols and strings.

A number; consists only of digits (0-9), a decimal point (.), a sign (+ or -), and, optionally, an (e) for exponential notation with its corresponding sign. A number is either stored as a float; or an integer. Any number consisting of an optional sign followed by only digits is stored as an integer (represented internally by CLIPS as a C long integer). All other numbers are stored as floats (represented internally by CLIPS as a C double-precision float). The number of significant digits will de?pend on the machine implementation. Roundoff errors also may occur, again depend?ing on the machine implementation. As with any computer language, care should be taken when comparing floating-point values to each other or comparing integers to floating-point values. Some examples of integers are

237 15 +12 -32

Some examples of floats are

237e3 15.09 +12.0 -32.3e-7

Specifically, integers use the following format:

<integer> ::= [+ \| -] <digit>+

<digit> ::= 0 \| 1 \| 2 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 6 \| 7 \| 8 \| 9

Floating point numbers use the following format:

<float> ::= <integer> <exponent> \|

<integer> . [<exponent>] \|

. <unsigned integer> [<exponent>] \|

<integer> . <unsigned integer> [<exponent>]

<unsigned-integer> ::= <digit>+

<exponent> ::= e \| E <integer>

A sequence of characters which does not exactly follow the format of a number is treated as a symbol (see the next paragraph).

A symbol in CLIPS is any sequence of characters that starts with any printable ASCII character and is followed by zero or more printable ASCII characters. When a delimiter is found, the symbol is ended. The following characters act as delimiters: any non-printable ASCII character (including spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds), a double quote, opening and closing parentheses ?(? and ?)?, an ampersand ?&?, a vertical bar ?|?, a less than ?<?, and a tilde ?~?. A semicolon ?;? starts a CLIPS comment (see section 2.3.3) and also acts as a de?limiter. Delimiters may not be included in symbols with the exception of the ?<? character which may be the first character in a symbol. In addition, a symbol may not begin with either the ??? character or the ?$?? sequence of characters (although a symbol may contain these characters). These characters are reserved for variables (which are discussed later in this section). CLIPS is case sensitive (i.e. uppercase letters will match only uppercase let?ters). Note that numbers are a special case of symbols (i.e. they satisfy the definition of a symbol, but they are treated as a different data type). Some simple examples of symbols are

foo Hello B76-HI bad_value

127A 456-93-039 @+=-% 2each

A string is a set of characters that starts with a double quote (“) and is followed by zero or more printable characters. A string ends with double quotes. Double quotes may be embedded within a string by placing a backslash () in front of the character. A backslash may be embedded by placing two consecutive back?slash characters in the string. Some examples are

"foo" "a and b" "1 number" "a\"quote"

Note that the string ?abcd” is not the same as the symbol abcd. They both contain the same characters, but are of different types. The same holds true for the instance name [abcd].

An external-address is the address of an external data structure returned by a function (written in a language such as C or Ada) that has been integrated with CLIPS. This data type can only be created by calling a function (i.e. it is not possible to specify an external-address by typing the value). In the basic version of CLIPS (which has no user defined external functions), it is not possible to create this data type. External-addresses are discussed in further detail in the Advanced Programming Guide;. Within CLIPS, the printed representation of an external-address is


where XXXXXX is the external-address.

A fact is a list of atomic values that are either referenced positionally (ordered facts) or by name (non-ordered or template facts). Facts are referred to by index or address; section 2.4.1 gives more details. The printed format of a fact-address is:


where XXX is the fact-index.

An instance is an object that is an instantiation or specific example of a class. Objects in CLIPS are defined to be floats, integers, symbols, strings, multifield values, external-addresses, fact-addresses or instances of a user-defined class. A user-defined class is created using the defclass construct. An instance of a user-defined class is created with the make-instance function, and such an instance can be referred to uniquely by address. Within the scope of a module (see section 10.5.1), an instance can also be uniquely referred to by name. All of these definitions will be covered in more detail in Sections 2.4.2,, 2.6 and 9. An instance-name is formed by enclosing a symbol within left and right brackets. Thus, pure symbols may not be surrounded by brackets. If the CLIPS Object Oriented Language (COOL) is not included in a particular CLIPS configuration, then brackets may be wrapped around symbols. Some examples of instance-names are:

[pump-1] [foo] [+++] [123-890]

Note that the brackets are not part of the name of the instance; they merely indicate that the enclosed symbol is an instance-name. An instance-address can only be obtained by binding the return value of a function called instance-address or by binding a variable to an instance matching an object pattern on the LHS of a rule (i.e., it is not possible to specify an instance-address by typing the value). A reference to an instance of a user-defined class can either be by name or address; instance-addresses should only be used when speed is critical. Within CLIPS, the printed representation of an instance-address is


where XXX is the name of the instance.

In CLIPS, a placeholder that has a value (one of the primitive data types) is referred to as a field. The primitive data types are referred to as single-field values. A constant is a non-varying single field value directly expressed as a series of characters (which means that external-addresses, fact-addresses and instance-addresses cannot be expressed as constants because they can only be obtained through function calls and variable bindings). A multifield value is a sequence of zero or more single field values. When displayed by CLIPS, multifield values are enclosed in parentheses. Collectively, single and multifield values are referred to as values. Some examples of multifield values are

(a) (1 bar foo) () (x 3.0 "red" 567)

Note that the multifield value (a) is not the same as the single field value a. Multifield values are created either by calling functions which return multifield values, by using wildcard arguments in a deffunction, object message-handler, or method, or by binding variables during the pattern-matching process for rules. In CLIPS, a variable is a symbolic location that is used to store values. Variables are used by many of the CLIPS constructs (such as defrule, deffunction, defmethod, and defmessage-handler) and their usage is explained in the sections describing each of these constructs.

2.3.2 Functions

A function in CLIPS is a piece of executable code identified by a specific name which returns a useful value or performs a useful side effect (such as displaying information). Throughout the CLIPS documentation, the word function is generally used to refer only to functions which return a value (whereas commands and actions are used to refer to functions which have a side effect but generally do not return a value).

There are several types of functions. User defined functions and system defined functions are pieces of code that have been written in an external language (such as C, FORTRAN, or Ada) and linked with the CLIPS environment. System defined functions are those functions that have been defined internally by the CLIPS environment. User defined functions are functions that have been defined externally of the CLIPS environment. A complete list of system defined functions can be found in appendix H.

The deffunction construct allows users to define new functions directly in the CLIPS environment using CLIPS syntax. Functions defined in this manner appear and act like other functions, however, instead of being directly executed (as code written in an external language would be) they are interpreted by the CLIPS environment. Deffunctions are also discussed in section in the context of procedural knowledge representation.

Generic functions can be defined using the defgeneric and defmethod constructs. Generic functions allow different pieces of code to be executed depending upon the arguments passed to the generic function. Thus, a single function name can be overloaded with more than one piece of code. Generic functions are also discussed in section in the context of procedural knowledge representation.

Function calls in CLIPS use a prefix notation ? the arguments to a function always appear after the function name. Function calls begin with a left parenthesis, followed by the name of the function, then the arguments to the function follow (each argument separated by one or more spaces). Arguments to a function can be primitive data types, variables, or another function call. The function call is then closed with a right parenthesis. Some examples of function calls using the addition (+) and multiplication (*) functions are shown following.

(+ 3 4 5)

(\* 5 6.0 2)

(+ 3 (\* 8 9) 4)

(\* 8 (+ 3 (\* 2 3 4) 9) (\* 3 4))

While a function refers to a piece of executable code identified by a specific name, an expression refers to a function which has its arguments specified (which may or may not be functions calls as well). Thus the previous examples are expressions which make calls to the * and + functions.

2.3.3 Constructs

Several defining constructs appear in CLIPS: defmodule, defrule, deffacts, deftemplate, defglobal, deffunction, defclass, definstances, defmessage-handler, defgeneric, and defmethod. All constructs in CLIPS are surrounded by parentheses. The construct opens with a left parenthe?sis and closes with a right parenthesis. Defining a construct differs from calling a function primarily in effect. Typically a function call leaves the CLIPS environment unchanged (with some notable exceptions such as resetting or clearing the environment or opening a file). Defining a construct, however, is explicitly intended to alter the CLIPS environment by adding to the CLIPS knowledge base. Unlike function calls, constructs never have a return value.

As with any programming language, it is highly beneficial to comment CLIPS code. All constructs (with the exception of defglobal) allow a comment directly following the construct name. Comments also can be placed within CLIPS code by using a semicolon (;). Everything from the semicolon until the next return character will be ignored by CLIPS. If the semicolon is the first character in the line, the entire line will be treated as a comment. Examples of commented code will be pro?vided throughout the reference manual. Semicolon commented text is not saved by CLIPS when loading constructs (however, the optional comment string within a construct is saved).

2.4 Data Abstraction

There are three primary formats for representing information in CLIPS: facts, objects and global variables.

2.4.1 Facts

Facts are one of the basic high-level forms for representing information in a CLIPS system. Each fact represents a piece of information that has been placed in the current list of facts, called the fact-list. Facts are the fundamental unit of data used by rules (see section 2.5.1).

Facts may be added to the fact-list (using the assert command), removed from the fact-list (using the retract command), modified (using the modify command), or duplicated (using the duplicate command) through explicit user interaction or as a CLIPS program executes;. The number of facts in the fact-list and the amount of information that can be stored in a fact is limited only by the amount of memory in the computer. If a fact is asserted into the fact-list that exactly matches an already existing fact, the new assertion will be ignored (however, this behavior can be changed, see sections 13.4.4 and 13.4.5).

Some commands, such as the retract, modify, and duplicate commands, require a fact to be specified. A fact can be specified either by fact-index or fact-address. Whenever a fact is added (or modified) it is given a unique integer index called a fact-index. Fact-indices start at zero and are incremented by one for each new or changed fact. Whenever a reset or clear command is given, the fact-indices restart at zero. A fact may also be specified through the use of a fact-address. A fact-address can be obtained by capturing the return value of commands which return fact addresses (such as assert, modify, and duplicate) or by binding a variable to the fact address of a fact which matches a pattern on the LHS of a rule (see section for details).

A fact identifier is a shorthand notation for displaying a fact. It consists of the character ?f?, followed by a dash, followed by the fact-index of the fact. For example, f-10 refers to the fact with fact-index 10.

A fact is stored in one of two formats: ordered or non-ordered. Ordered Facts

Ordered facts consist of a symbol followed by a sequence of zero or more fields separated by spaces and delimited by an opening parenthesis on the left and a closing parenthesis on the right. The first field of an ordered fact specifies a ?relation? that applied to the remaining fields in the ordered fact. For example, (father-of jack bill) states that bill is the father of jack.

Some examples of ordered facts are shown following.

(the pump is on)

(altitude is 10000 feet)

(grocery-list bread milk eggs)

Fields in a non-ordered fact may be of any of the primitive data types (with the exception of the first field which must be a symbol), and no restriction is placed on the ordering of fields. The following symbols are reserved and should not be used as the first field in any fact (ordered or non-ordered): test, and, or, not, declare, logical, object, exists, and forall. These words are reserved only when used as a deftemplate name (whether explicitly defined or implied). These symbols may be used as slot names, however, this is not recommended. Non-ordered Facts

Ordered facts encode information positionally. To access that information, a user must know not only what data is stored in a fact but which field contains the data. Non-ordered (or deftemplate) facts provide the user with the ability to abstract the structure of a fact by assign?ing names to each field in the fact. The deftemplate construct (see section 3) is used to create a template that can then be used to access fields by name. The deftemplate construct is analogous to a record or structure definition in programming languages such as Pascal and C.

The deftemplate construct allows the name of a template to be defined along with zero or more definitions of named fields or slots. Unlike ordered facts, the slots of a deftemplate fact may be constrained by type, value, and numeric range. In addition, default values can be specified for a slot. A slot consists of an opening parenthesis followed by the name of the slot, zero or more fields, and a closing parenthesis. Note that slots may not be used in an ordered fact and that positional fields may not be used in a deftemplate fact.

Deftemplate facts are distinguished from ordered facts by the first field within the fact. The first field of all facts must be a symbol, however, if that symbol corresponds to the name of a deftemplate, then the fact is a deftemplate fact. The first field of a deftemplate fact is followed by a list of zero or more slots. As with ordered facts, deftemplate facts are enclosed by an opening parenthesis on the left and a closing parenthesis on the right.

Some examples of deftemplate facts are shown following.

(client (name "Joe Brown") (id X9345A))

(point-mass (x-velocity 100) (y-velocity -200))

(class (teacher "Martha Jones") (#-students 30) (Room "37A"))

(grocery-list (#-of-items 3) (items bread milk eggs))

Note that the order of slots in a deftemplate fact is not important. For example the following facts are all identical:

(class (teacher "Martha Jones") (#-students 30) (Room "37A"))

(class (#-students 30) (teacher "Martha Jones") (Room "37A"))

(class (Room "37A") (#-students 30) (teacher "Martha Jones"))

In contrast, note that the following ordered fact are not identical.

(class "Martha Jones" 30 "37A")

(class 30 "Martha Jones" "37A")

(class "37A" 30 "Martha Jones")

The im?mediate advantages of clarity and slot order independence for deftemplate facts should be readily apparent.

In addition to being asserted and retracted, deftemplate facts can also be modified and duplicated (using the modify and duplicate commands). Modifying a fact changes a set of specified slots within that fact. Duplicating a fact creates a new fact identical to the original fact and then changes a set of specified slots within the new fact. The benefit of using the modify and duplicate commands is that slots which don?t change, don?t have to be specified. Initial Facts

The deffacts construct allows a set of a priori or initial knowledge to be specified as a collection of facts. When the CLIPS environment is reset (using the reset command) every fact specified within a deffacts construct in the CLIPS knowledge base is added to the fact-list.

2.4.2 Objects

An object in CLIPS is defined to be a symbol, a string, a floating-point or integer number, a multifield value, an external-address or an instance of a user-defined class. Section 2.3.1 explains how to reference instances of user-defined classes. Objects are described in two basic parts: properties and behavior. A class is a template for common properties and behavior of objects that are instances of that class. Some examples of objects and their classes are:

Object (Printed Representation) Class
Rolls-Royce SYMBOL
“Rolls-Royce” STRING
(8.0 Rolls-Royce 8 [Rolls-Royce]) MULTIFIELD
[Rolls-Royce] CAR (a user-defined class)

Objects in CLIPS are split into two important categories: primitive types and instances of user-defined classes. These two types of objects differ in the way they are referenced, created and deleted as well as how their properties are specified.

Primitive type objects are referenced simply by giving their value, and they are created and deleted implicitly by CLIPS as they are needed. Primitive type objects have no names or slots, and their classes are predefined by CLIPS. The behavior of primitive type objects is like that of instances of user-defined classes, however, in that you can define message-handlers and attach them to the primitive type classes. It is anticipated that primitive types will not be used often in an object-oriented programming (OOP) context; the main reason classes are provided for them is for use in generic functions. Generic functions use the classes of their arguments to determine which methods to execute; sections 2.3.2, and 8 give more detail.

An instance of a user-defined class is referenced by name or address, and they are created and deleted explicitly via messages and special functions. The properties of an instance of a user-defined class are expressed by a set of slots, which the object obtains from its class. As previously defined, slots are named single field or multifield values. For example, the object Rolls-Royce is an instance of the class CAR. One of the slots in class CAR might be ?price?, and the Rolls-Royce object?s value for this slot might be $75,000.00. The behavior of an object is specified in terms of procedural code called message-handlers, which are attached to the object?s class. Message-handlers and manipulation of objects are described in Section All instances of a user-defined class have the same set of slots, but each instance may have different values for those slots. However, two instances that have the same set of slots do not necessarily belong to the same class, since two different classes can have identical sets of slots.

The primary difference between object slots and template (or non-ordered) facts is the notion of inheritance. Inheritance allows the properties and behavior of a class to be described in terms of other classes. COOL supports multiple inheritance: a class may directly inherit slots and message-handlers from more than one class. Since inheritance is only useful for slots and message-handlers, it is often not meaningful to inherit from one of the primitive type classes, such as MULTIFIELD or NUMBER. This is because these classes cannot have slots and usually do not have message-handlers.

Further discussion on these topics can be found in Section 2.6, and a comprehensive description of the CLIPS Object-Oriented Language (COOL) can be found in Section 9. Initial Objects

The definstances construct allows a set of a priori or initial knowledge to be specified as a collection of instances of user-defined classes. When the CLIPS environment is reset (using the reset command) every instance specified within a definstances construct in the CLIPS knowledge base is added to the instance-list.

2.4.3 Global Variables

The defglobal construct allows variables to be defined which are global in scope throughout the CLIPS environment. That is, a global variable can be accessed anywhere in the CLIPS environment and retains its value independent of other constructs. In contrast, some constructs (such as defrule and deffunction) allow local variables to be defined within the definition of the construct. These local variables can be referred to within the construct, but have no meaning outside the construct. A CLIPS global variable is similar to global variables found in procedural programming languages such as LISP, C and Ada. Unlike C and Ada, however, CLIPS global variables are weakly typed (they are not restricted to holding a value of a single data type).

2.5 Knowledge Representation

CLIPS provides heuristic and procedural paradigms for representing knowledge. These two paradigms are discussed in this section. Object-oriented programming (which combines aspects of both data abstraction and procedural knowledge) is discussed in section 2.6.

2.5.1 Heuristic Knowledge ? Rules

One of the primary methods of representing knowledge in CLIPS is a rule. Rules are used to represent heuristics, or ?rules of thumb?, which specify a set of actions to be performed for a given situation. The de?veloper of an expert system defines a set of rules that collectively work together to solve a problem. A rule is composed of an antecedent and a consequent. The antecedent of a rule is also referred to as the if portion or the left-hand side (LHS) of the rule. The consequent of a rule is also referred to as the then portion or the right-hand side (RHS) of the rule.

The antecedent of a rule is a set of conditions (or conditional elements) that must be satisfied for the rule to be applicable. In CLIPS, the conditions of a rule are satisfied based on the existence or non-existence of specified facts in the fact-list or specified instances of user-defined classes in the instance-list. One type of condition that can be specified is a pattern. Patterns consist of a set of restrictions that are used to determine which facts or objects satisfy the condition specified by the pattern. The process of matching facts and objects to patterns is called pattern-matching. CLIPS provides a mechanism, called the inference engine, which automatically matches patterns against the current state of the fact-list and instance-list and determines which rules are applicable.

The consequent of a rule is the set of actions to be executed when the rule is applicable. The actions of applicable rules are executed when the CLIPS inference engine is instructed to begin execution of applicable rules. If more than one rule is applicable, the inference engine uses a conflict resolution strategy to select which rule should have its actions executed. The actions of the selected rule are executed (which may affect the list of applicable rules) and then the inference engine selects another rule and executes its actions. This process continues until no applicable rules remain.

In many ways, rules can be thought of as IF-THEN statements found in procedural programming languages such as C and Ada. However, the conditions of an IF-THEN statement in a procedural language are only evaluated when the program flow of control is directly at the IF-THEN statement. In contrast, rules act like WHENEVER-THEN statements. The inference engine always keeps track of rules that have their conditions satisfied and thus rules can immediately be executed when they are applicable. In this sense, rules are similar to exception handlers found in languages such as Ada.

2.5.2 Procedural Knowledge

CLIPS also supports a procedural paradigm for representing knowledge like that of more conventional languages, such as Pascal and C. Deffunctions and generic functions allow the user to define new executable elements to CLIPS that perform a useful side-effect or return a useful value. These new functions can be called just like the built-in functions of CLIPS. Message-handlers allow the user to define the behavior of objects by specifying their response to messages. Deffunctions, generic functions and message-handlers are all procedural pieces of code specified by the user that CLIPS executes interpretively at the appropriate times. Defmodules allow a knowledge base to be partitioned. Deffunctions

Deffunctions allow you to define new functions in CLIPS directly. In previous versions of CLIPS, the only way to have user-defined functions was to write them in some external language, such as C or Ada, and then recompile and relink CLIPS with the new functions. The body of a deffunction is a series of expressions similar to the RHS of a rule that are executed in order by CLIPS when the deffunction is called. The return value of a deffunction is the value of the last expression evaluated within the deffunction. Calling a deffunction is identical to calling any other function in CLIPS. Deffunctions are covered comprehensively in Section 7. Generic Functions

Generic functions are similar to deffunctions in that they can be used to define new procedural code directly in CLIPS, and they can be called like any other function. However, generic functions are much more powerful because they can be overloaded. A generic function will do different things depending on the types (or classes) and number of its arguments. Generic functions are comprised of multiple components called methods, where each method handles different cases of arguments for the generic function. For example, you might overload the ?+? operator to do string concatenation when it is passed strings as arguments. However, the ?+? operator will still perform arithmetic addition when passed numbers. There are two methods in this example: an explicit one for strings defined by the user and an implicit one which is the standard CLIPS arithmetic addition operator. The return value of a generic function is the evaluation of the last expression in the method executed. Generic functions are covered comprehensively in Section 8. Object Message-Passing

Objects are described in two basic parts: properties and behavior. Object properties are specified in terms of slots obtained from the object?s class; slots are discussed in more detail in Section 2.4.2. Object behavior is specified in terms of procedural code called message-handlers which are attached to the object?s class. Objects are manipulated via message-passing. For example, to cause the Rolls-Royce object, which is an instance of the class CAR, to start its engine, the user must call the send function to send the message ?start-engine? to the Rolls-Royce. How the Rolls-Royce responds to this message will be dictated by the execution of the message-handlers for ?start-engine? attached to the CAR class and any of its superclasses. The result of a message is similar to a function call in CLIPS: a useful return value or side-effect.

Further discussion on message-handlers can be found in Section 2.6, and a comprehensive description of the CLIPS Object-Oriented Language (COOL) can be found in Section 9. Defmodules

Defmodules allow a knowledge base to be partitioned. Every construct defined must be placed in a module. The programmer can explicitly control which constructs in a module are visible to other modules and which constructs from other modules are visible to a module. The visibility of facts and instances between modules can be controlled in a similar manner. Modules can also be used to control the flow of execution of rules. Defmodules are covered comprehensively in Section 10.

2.6 CLIPS Object-Oriented Language

This section gives a brief overview of the programming elements of the CLIPS Object-Oriented Language (COOL). COOL includes elements of data abstraction and knowledge representation. This section gives an overview of COOL as a whole, incorporating the elements of both concepts. References to instanes of user-defined classes are discussed in Section 2.3.1, and the structure of objects is discussed in Sections 2.4.2 and The comprehensive details of COOL are given in Section 9.

2.6.1 COOL Deviations from a Pure OOP Paradigm

In a pure OOP language, all programming elements are objects which can only be manipulated via messages. In CLIPS, the definition of an object is much more constrained: floating-point and integer numbers, symbols, strings, multifield values, external-addresses, fact-addresses and instances of user-defined classes. All objects may be manipulated with messages, except instances of user-defined classes, which must be. For example, in a pure OOP system, to add two numbers together, you would send the message ?add? to the first number object with the second number object as an argument. In CLIPS, you may simply call the ?+? function with the two numbers as arguments, or you can define message-handlers for the NUMBER class which allow you to do it in the purely OOP fashion.

All programming elements that are not objects must be manipulated in a non-OOP utilizing function tailored for those programming elements. For example, to print a rule, you call the function ppdefrule; you do not send a message ?print? to a rule, since it is not an object.

2.6.2 Primary OOP Features

There are five primary characteristics that an OOP system must possess: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and dynamic binding. An abstraction is a higher level, more intuitive representation for a complex concept. Encapsulation is the process whereby the implementation details of an object are masked by a well-defined external interface. Classes may be described in terms of other classes by use of inheritance. Polymorphism is the ability of different objects to respond to the same message in a specialized manner. Dynamic binding is the ability to defer the selection of which specific message-handlers will be called for a message until run-time.

The definition of new classes allows the abstraction of new data types in COOL. The slots and message-handlers of these classes describe the properties and behavior of a new group of objects.

COOL supports encapsulation by requiring message-passing for the manipulation of instances of user-defined classes. An instance cannot respond to a message for which it does not have a defined message-handler.

COOL allows the user to specify some or all of the properties and behavior of a class in terms of one or more unrelated superclasses. This process is called multiple inheritance. COOL uses the existing hierarchy of classes to establish a linear ordering called the class precedence list for a new class. Objects that are instances of this new class can inherit properties (slots) and behavior (message-handlers) from each of the classes in the class precedence list. The word precedence implies that properties and behavior of a class first in the list override conflicting definitions of a class later in the list.

One COOL object can respond to a message in a completely different way than another object; this is polymorphism. This is accomplished by attaching message-handlers with differing actions but which have the same name to the classes of these two objects respectively.

Dynamic binding is supported in that an object reference (see section 2.3.1) in a send function call is not bound until run-time. For example, an instance-name or variable might refer to one object at the time a message is sent and another at a later time.

2.6.3 Instance-set Queries and Distributed Actions

In addition to the ability of rules to directly pattern-match on objects, COOL provides a useful query system for determining, grouping and performing actions on sets of instances of user-defined classes that meet user-defined criteria. The query system allows you to associate instances that are either related or not. You can simply use the query system to determine if a particular association set exists, you can save the set for future reference, or you can iterate an action over the set. An example of the use of the query system might be to find the set of all pairs of boys and girls that have the same age.