The following trigonometric functions take one numeric argument and return a float. The argument is expected to be in radians. These functions are part of the extended math package.


acos    arccosine
acosh    hyperbolic arccosine
acot    arccotangent
acoth    hyperbolic arccotangent
acsc    arccosecant
acsch    hyperbolic arccosecant
asec    arcsecant
asech    hyperbolic arcsecant
asin    arcsine
asinh    hyperbolic arcsine
atan    arctangent
atanh    hyperbolic arctangent
cos    cosine
cosh     hyperbolic cosine
cot    cotangent
coth    hyperbolic tangent
csc     cosecant
csch    hyperbolic cosecant
sec    secant
sech    hyperbolic secant
sin    sine
sinh    hyperbolic sine
tan    tangent
tanh    hyperbolic tangent
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