Docker image

We can easily build a docker image using the following Dockerfile:

# **************************************************************************
# Purpose ...: jfricas (
# Build .... : docker build -t jfricas:latest .
# Test ..... : docker run -ti --rm --network=host
#                --env DISPLAY=:0 fricas/jfricas:latest jupyter notebook
# Version .. : 0.2.17 -- 17-SEP-2019
# OS ....... : ubuntu:latest
# FriCAS ... : fricas:latest
# **************************************************************************

FROM fricas/fricas

LABEL fricas-devel <>

# ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
# discouraged: see


# ======================================
# Get packages and install missing tools
# ======================================

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y -q \
    python3.6 \
    python3-pip \
    cl-asdf \
    cl-hunchentoot \
    firefox \

# ===============================
# Install jfricas.pip from Github
# ===============================

RUN cd /root && \
    pip3 install jupyter && \
    git clone $JFRICAS_GITHUB && \
    cd jfricas && \
    pip3 install . && \
    python3 -m jfricas.install_kernel && \
    cd /root


Go to the directory containing the Dockerfile and type

docker build -t jfricas:latest .

or with logfile:

 docker build -t jfricas:latest . > log

Alternatively you want to use the script:

sudo docker rmi fricas/jfricas:latest
sudo docker build -t fricas/jfricas:latest . > log
sudo docker images


There is a in the docker subfolder, or you can enter the command by hand (one line, otherwise use line continuation):

docker run -ti --rm --network=host --env DISPLAY=:0 fricas/jfricas:latest
      jupyter notebook --no-browser --allow-root

To merely access the container you can also use

docker run -ti --rm fricas/jfricas:latest /bin/bash

to get a bash, from where you can start things manually.

Right click on a link and choose open.


Your browser should open and display the root directory of the image.


Choose the kernel by New->FriCAS


then you can use the notebook:


Note: the --rm option means that the container is deleted after closing the notebook server. This is for testing only, so that your computer will not populated with a lot of orphaned containers. If you want to save your work (*.ipynb, etc.), then remove --rm and use --name for named containers if you like.


To push the image you can use the script, or the command:

sudo docker push fricas/jfricas:latest


There are two scripts: and which may be used to start the jupyter notebook inside the jfricas docker image. The latter can be used if you want to have Hyperdoc and Draw, otherwise is safer as it will not set any permissions (xhost local:root).

Example for running a named container (jfc):

docker run -ti --name jfc --network=host
      --env DISPLAY=:0 fricas/jfricas:latest
          jupyter notebook --no-browser  --allow-root

To save the changes in jfc to the image, do

sudo docker commit jfc fricas/jfricas
[sudo] password for user:

Then you can remove the `jfc container (if you like):

docker rm jfc

Do not forget do push the changed image (only if you want to, of course):

sudo docker push fricas/jfricas

The commands docker ps -a will list all active containers, while docker images will show the images.