
 Author: Kurt Pagani
 Date Created: Mon Aug 06 18:17:40 CEST 2018
 Date Revices: Do 24 Okt 2024 19:54:57 CEST
 License: BSD
   January 2022: GLE is now on GitHub and utilizing cmake to build
     from source:
   GLE - Graphics Layout Engine
   Debian: sudo apt install gle-graphics  (ghostscript,...)
 Builds on PLOT, PLOT3D domains besides other constructs.
 PlotSupport eliminated.
 A) By now there are two graphic objects GRAPH and SURFACE which
    are represented as records.
 B) Instances of these objects are created by graph() and surface()
    which will be used by the plot and push functions.
 C) Those instances contain the generated GLE*.dat or GLE*.z file
    respectively. At this point the graphics file GLE*.gle is not
    created yet, so that the instances may be still manipulated,
    however, the filename (only) is already created and stored.
 D) The "create" function will generate the final GLE*.gle file, so
    that the object can be displayed (QGLE) or transformed to one of
    the available formats (gle -help device):
    Option: -device
      Abbreviation(s): -d
      Selects output device(s)
      Argument 'device-names': set output device(s)
    Possible values: eps, ps, pdf, svg, jpg, png
 E) The instances may be further processed and redisplayed etc.
 The (*) in GLE*.[gle,dat,z] is the GET-UNIVERSAL-TIME from LISP.
   l1:=[[x,sin x,cos x] for x in [n*0.1::DoubleFloat for n in 1..10]]
        Type: List(List(DoubleFloat))
   g1:=plot l1  --> returns a GRAPH object
        getPath g1.glefile -> NIL
   display g1 --> shows the graph g1 in QGLE
        getPath g1.glefile -> /home/.../
   g1.title := "sin/cos"
        set a title (default is "Title")
   runGLE(g1.glefile,"eps","") --> produces a "GLE*.eps".
 One may combine of course, e.g. display plot l1 ...

convert : (PDF, String) -> String
 convert(P,sep) converts a point P to a string of 'sep' separated
 double floats. Example: P:=convert([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.5])$Point(DF),
 then convert(P," ") => "1.0 2.0 3.0 4.5".
convertBranch : (List PDF, String) -> LSTR
 convertBranch(p,sep) converts a list of points to a list of
 strings. Each string corresponds to a point. The 'sep' string
 separates each coordinate (e.g. blank, comma, semicolon etc.)
convert : (Plot, String) -> LLSTR
 convert(p,sep) converts a PLOT to a list of lists of strings. For
 each branch a list of strings (of 'sep' double floats) will be
combineBranches : Plot -> List PDF
 combineBranches(p) combines all branches in a Plot such that
 the first column are the common x-values and all other columns
 represent the y-values. That is all branches must have the same
 xRange and therefore the same number of points.
createDataFile : (FileName, LSTR) -> Void
 createDataFile(fn,data) creates and writes the list of strings (data)
 to the file named 'fn'.
numOfBranches : Plot -> Integer
 numOfBranches(p) returns the number of branches in the Plot p.
 (-) PlotSupport ------------------------------------------
format : (STR,STR) -> STR
 format("CL format string","string to format") returns a
 formatted string (like FORMAT('NIL,fmt,r)$Lisp)
format : (STR,List STR) -> STR
 format("CL format string",["strings to format"])
graph : () -> GRAPH
 graph() will create a new instance of a GRAPH object. This
 object may be filled with gle commands and parameterized.
 Note that nothing will be performed before 'create'.
create : GRAPH -> FileName
 create(g) will actually create the graph object, i.e writing
 the source file *.gle.
display : FileName -> Void
 display( opens the interactive QGLE window and displays
 the graph.
display : GRAPH -> Void
 display(g) opens the interactive QGLE windows and displays the
 graph g. QGLE allows interactive changes to data as well as the
 GLE source file. For this, you have to set a default editor.
plot : Plot -> GRAPH
 plot(p) creates graph from a Plot object.
plot : (DF -> DF, Segment DF) -> GRAPH
 plot(x+->f(x),x1..x2)$GLE creates a graph for the function
plot : LLDF -> GRAPH
 plot([[x1,y11,y12,...],[x2,y21,y22,...]]) creates data
 representing graphs with (n-1) branches (datasets), where
 n is the common length of the sublists.
push : (GRAPH,STR) -> GRAPH
 push(g,cmd) adds a GLE command (string) to the end of g.cmds.
 push(s,cmd) adds a GLE command (string) to the end of s.cmds.
surface : () -> SURFACE
 surface() will create a new instance of a SURFACE object. This
 object may be filled with gle commands and parameterized.
 Note that nothing will be performed before 'create'.
create : SURFACE -> FileName
 create(s) will actually create the surface object, i.e writing
 the source file *.gle.
display : SURFACE -> Void
 display(s) opens the interactive QGLE windows and displays the
 surface s. QGLE allows interactive changes to data as well as the
 GLE source file. For this, you have to set a default editor.
letz : (FileName, XDF, SBDF, SBDF, DF, DF) -> STR
 GLE letz
splot : ((DF,DF)->DF,SDF,SDF,DF,DF) -> ZFILE
 splot creates a ZFILE object
writeZfile : (FileName,ZFILE) -> Void
 writeZfile writes the ZFILE object to a file *.z
 plot((x,y)+->f(x,y),xr,yr,stx,sty)$GLE creates a surface for the
 function z=f(x,y), where xr,yr are x-range, y-range and stx,sty
 denote the stepzize for each direction.
runGLE : (String,String,String) -> String
 runGLE(glefile,device,options) runs GLE as command, where
 'device' in {eps, ps, pdf, svg, jpg, png} as strings and
 'options' (maybe "") is a string containing more command
 line parameters (use gle --help). So, for instance, the
 command runGLE("", "eps", "") will produce a "eps"
 image "filex.eps" by running gle -device eps [options]
conv : NUMS -> DoubleFloat
 convert(x:Union(DoubleFloat,Float,Integer,Fraction Integer))
 to a DoubleFloat.
range : (NUMS,NUMS,NUMS) -> List DF
 range(from,to,step) creates a list of DoubleFloat numbers ranging
 from "from" to "to" with stepsize "step" (calculated).
 range(1,2,0.05) --> [1.0,1.05,..,1.95,2.0] , 21 numbers.
 Note: upper bound "to" not necessarily included!
range : (Segment(NUMS),NUMS) -> List DF
 range(from .. to,step) creates a list of DoubleFloat numbers ranging
 from "from" to "to" with stepsize "step" (calculated).
 range(1..2,0.05) --> [1.0,1.05,..,1.95,2.0] , 21 numbers.
 Note: upper bound "to" not necessarily included!
cseg : (NUMS,NUMS) -> Segment DF
 cseg(a,b) creates a segment of DoubleFloats when a and are in
 Union(DoubleFloat,Float,Integer,Fraction Integer).
 cseg(1,5/6) -> 1.0..0.8333333333333334
numlst2str :List NUMS -> String
 numlst2str([n1,...]) converts a list of numbers to a comma
 separated string. E.g. numlst2str [1,2,3.4,5/7] results in
 "1.0, 2.0, 3.4, 0.7142857142857142".
getPath : String -> String
 getPath(filename) returns the full path of the file if it
 exists, otherwise "NIL" is returned.
catGLE : GRAPH -> Void
 Show the .gle file if created
catGLE : SURFACE -> Void
 Show the .gle file if created