Author: Kurt Pagani Date Created: Wed Jan 22 22:02:57 CET 2020 License: BSD References: Description:
convert : (PDF, String) -> String
convert(P,sep) converts a point P to a string of 'sep' separated double floats. Example: P:=convert([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.5])$Point(DF), then convert(P," ") => "1.0 2.0 3.0 4.5".
convertBranch : (List PDF, String) -> LSTR
convertBranch(p,sep) converts a list of points to a list of strings. Each string corresponds to a point. The 'sep' string separates each coordinate (e.g. blank, comma, semicolon etc.)
convert : (Plot, String) -> LLSTR
convert(p,sep) converts a PLOT to a list of lists of strings. For each branch a list of strings (of 'sep' double floats) will be generated.
combineBranches : Plot -> List PDF
combineBranches(p) combines all branches in a Plot such that the first column are the common x-values and all other columns represent the y-values. That is all branches must have the same xRange and therefore the same number of points.
createDataFile : (FileName, LSTR) -> Void
createDataFile(fn,data) creates and writes the list of strings (data) to the file named 'fn'.
numOfBranches : Plot -> Integer
numOfBranches(p) returns the number of branches in the Plot p.